Over the BORDER


THE KYOTO Salon Room, 7th Floor Kyoto Shimbun

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Through his KYOTOGRAPHIE exhibition Heartstrings, a project about dementia, Kazuhiko Matsumura contributes to the conversation for those affected by the condition and those foreign to it, helping to overcome a BORDER by creating an educational opportunity that fosters compassion.

Matsumura will present the making of Heartstrings, sharing the symptoms and intimacy of those with dementia, the required care, and an ideal model of a supportive society through the mixed media presentation of photographs, texts, and videos.

In addition, participants will gain insight into his personal life, juggling his professional life as a Kyoto Newspaper photographer and personal projects, exploring various platforms as outlets for his works, including magazines (online and print), photo books, and photography festivals.
Participants will share their works in return, then discuss them in a group setting to find attainable goals for individual objectives.

[If at least one of the conditions matches you]
Photographers with finished or in-progress projects in portraiture
Artists whose MO is to combine photographs, drawings, texts, archived materials
Photographers working to make exhibitions, photobooks
Artists who want to manage professional life and artistic activities
Artists seeking breakthrough into photography festivals

[How to apply]
Apply to this masterclass with information below via email addressed to:

Phone number and email address
20-piece portfolio in a ZIP file (JPG / 72dpi / 2000 pixel in longer side)
Artist statement in PDF
A short bio

We’ll send instruction for the payment of the fee in reply to your application

Lecturer Lecturer

  • Kazuhiko Matsumura

    写真集に、京都の芸舞妓の人生を描いた『花也』(2014年 京都新聞出版センター)、個人的な作品として取り組み、家族の生と死を通じて命のつながりを描いた『ぐるぐる』(2016年 自主制作)がある。
    認知症について長期にわたり取材し、写真と記事が京都新聞に連載され、雑誌にも寄稿する。4組の認知症の本人・家族・周囲の人々に取材を重ね、それぞれの日々や移ろいをとらえた作品を「心の糸」としてKG+SELECT 2022にて発表し、グランプリを受賞。松村の写真と言葉は、認知症への理解を深めるきっかけを真摯に提示し、超高齢社会に一筋のやわらかな光を照らしている。

Date 日時


Venue 会場

THE KYOTO Salon Room, 7th Floor Kyoto Shimbun


239 Shoshoi-Cho, Karasuma-Ebisugawa-Agaru, Nakagyo-Ku, Kyoto-shi


Kyoto CIty Subway Karasuma Line Marutamachi-Station, Exit 7

Fess 料金


Language 言語


Related Programs 関連展示

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